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Location: Margate, Florida, United States

President of Virtual Word Publishing, We specialize in publicity and marketing and helping you succeed in your small business. Also, author of Virtual Assistant the Series, Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA & So You Want to be a Work at Home Mom (Beacon Hill Publishers) Email me for FREE VA and PR Package.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

A Complete Solution for the Busy or Aspiring Virtual Assistant

A Complete Solution for the Busy or Aspiring Virtual Assistant,
WordPerfect® OfficeReady® Virtual Assistant Solution Pack

Margate, FL (November, 2006) For years, businesses have complained of needing more help around the office to meet the ever-increasing demands of running a successful business. The answer finally arrived when highly skilled Virtual Assistants came on scene offering a global solution to the daily challenges of doing business. As the demand increased for qualified Virtual Assistants, so did the need for information on how to become a Virtual Assistant (VA). Corel® has stepped up to the plate to meet the increasing demand with the release of their latest, WordPerfect® OfficeReady® Virtual Assistant Solution Pack, available at in their Office Productivity/OfficeReady® Template Packs section.

The WordPerfect® OfficeReady® Virtual Assistant Solution Pack enables entrepreneurs to successfully open their doors in no time, easily expanding their client base, and is also ideal for those already in business who want to take their businesses to the next level. The unique combination of its 81-page e-book, and coinciding templates, enables entrepreneurs to quickly create everything from Corporate Brochures and Newsletters, to Consultation Forms and Marketing Letters. This ability to rapidly create impressive documents, spreadsheets, or presentations, hassle free makes this an exceptionally valuable tool. Also, its ability to work directly with WordPerfect® software provides users an added tool in their ongoing quest to start a business or become more successful in their current business.

The Solution Pack offers advantages for both those wishing to start a Virtual Assistant business and Word Processing businesses alike. Those wanting to use their secretarial skills to start their own business will enjoy the detailed information provided, as well as proven methods for success.

Just some of the benefits include:
1. The ability to establish themselves as an expert in the Virtual Assistant and Word Processing Industry.
2. The information to help them prosper in their own niche, such as publicity, medical or legal transcription, web design, bookkeeping, and so many more.
3. The access to all the tools they need to succeed right at their fingertips. No need to reinvent the wheel every time they need an example of an invoice, etc.

The WordPerfect® OfficeReady® Templates were written in conjunction with Corel to assist millions across the globe in the ever-growing Virtual Assisting industry. The Virtual Assistant Solution Pack was written with great care and precision by Diana Ennen, a VA Industry Leader and President of Virtual Word Publishing,, and contains valuable contributions from several professional Virtual Assistants, including her co-author of numerous other books, Kelly Poelker.

The OfficeReady® Virtual Assistant Solution Pack immediately gives its users the proper tools to turn their independent small businesses into successful enterprises. So start your business today, or grow your existing business by ordering your copy today at the Corel site,


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